Social Indicators 2013
Chapter 2
Labour Force
It has been clearly seen that there will be a shortage of labour force
population (aged 15-59 years) in the near future due to the demographic rapid
changes, this situation has a strong impact on dependency ratio of children and the
elderly. Moreover, since the implementation of ASEAN economic community is
becoming close in 2015, under a free flow skilled labour, there would be a great
demand on skilled labours, among ASEAN member countries. Therefore, to build
population qualification so as to be skilled labour is one of the government agenda.
The NSO is the core agency in collecting labour statistics through
conducting the Labour Force Surveys continuously, data/information collected
such as labour structure, employment, wages and salaries etc.
This report presents the results of two rounds of the survey; Round 1
(January–March) and Round 3 (July-September) which are non-agriculture season
and agriculture season respectively, however, to capture all aspects of the
labour situation, the average national level is also presented.
Other agencies, such as Ministry of Labour and Bank of Thailand, also
collected data/information on labour demand, lay off and labour productivity index.
2.1 General
2.1.1 Structure of the Labour Force
Data from the Labour Force Survey 2008-2013 of the National
Statistical Office showed that the structure of the labour force continually grows.
The number of persons in the labour force increased with an increase of country
production; from 57 persons in 2008 to 58 persons in 2013.
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