census/population and housing

the 2000 population and housing census

  About Census
Preliminary Results
Advance Results
Sample Design
Statistical Tables and Maps
Published Report
Indicators and Important tables by Provinces
Indicators and Important tables by Region and Whole Kingdom
Maps Population growth rate, Population density and Sex ratio by Province
      :: Whole Kindom
      :: Central Region
      :: North Region
      :: Northeasthern Region
      :: Southern Region
Thematic Map Population and Housing 2000
Advance Results

The National Statistical Office carries out a Population and Housing Census every ten years according to international standards. Preliminary results of the 2000 Population and Housing Census were released in August 2000. They include the size of the population by sexes and the number of households at national, regional, provincial, municipal and non-municipal levels.
Full computer processing of census data is time consuming. Advance results based on a one per cent sample households (see the sample design method of estimation) are, therefore, released to reflect the characteristics of the population, including the demographic, economic, social and housing conditions at national and regional levels.

Key findings of the 1990 and 2000 Population and Housing Censuses are as follows:

Key indicators of the population and households,
Population and Housing Census 1990 and 2000

Items 1990 2000
Demographic characteristics    
Total population ('000) 54,548.5 60,617.2
Population in Municipal Area (%) 29.4 31.1
Sex ratio (Males per 100 females) 98.5 97.0
Median age 24.6 29.7
Population by age group    
0-14 years (%) 29.2 24.1
15-59 years (%) 63.4 66.5
60 years and over (%) 7.4 9.4
Age dependency ratio    
(Per 100 adults 15-59 years)    
Total 57.7 50.5
0-14 years 46.1 36.3
60 years and over 11.6 14.2
Singulate mean age at first marriage (SMAM)    
Males 25.9 27.2
Females 23.5 24.1
Thai citizenship (%) 98.9 99.5
Buddhism 95.2 94.6
Minority population    
Muslims (%) 4.1 4.6
Muslims in the South (%) 26.9 29.0
Population speaking Malay (%) 2.2 2.3
Population speaking hill tribe languages (%) 0.6 1.3
Average years of education attainment    
of population age 15 years and over 5.7 7.8
Population aged 6-24 years    
not attending school (%) 54.5 34.3
Employment characteristics of population
aged 15 years and over
Last year industry    
Population in the agricultural sector (%) 66.8 56.7
Work status (%) 100.0 100.0
Employers 0.8 1.6
Own account workers 29.5 32.8
Employees 27.0 34.6
Unpaid family workers 42.7 30.9
Members of producer's cooperatives - 0.1
Mean number of children ever born 2.4 1.7
(Per ever married woman 15-49 years)    
Mean number of children still living 2.3 1.6
(Per ever married woman 15-49 years)    
Five-years migration (1995-2000)    
Population who migrated within 7.8 6.3
previous 5 years (%)    
Lifetime migration    
Population who were not living 13.9 16.8
in changwat of birth (%)    
Housing characteristics    
Private households ('000) 12,317.8 15,662.3
One-person households (%) 5.1 8.6
Average household size 4.4 3.9
Female headed households (%) 19.4 25.5
Houses in non-permanent materials4/ (%) 9.4 7.4
Households with ownership (%) 86.3 81.6
Households with sanitation 5/(%) 86.1 97.7
Households with save drinking water6/(%) 80.3 92.7
Households cooking with gas and electric (%) 38.9 65.4
Households with televisions (%) 86.8 91.5
Households with radios (%) 81.3 77.2

1/ Including persons who lived in Sanitary Districts which were reclassified as tambon municipalities in 1999.
2/ The 1970 Population and Housing Census.
4/ Non-permanent materials include local materials and waste or reused materials.
5/ Sanitary types of toilet include flush latrine and moulded bucket latrine.
6/ Save drinking water includes bottle drinking, tap water, rain water and private well

More information contact
Email : social@nso.go.th
Address : Economic and Social statistics Bureau,
National Statistical Office
Larn Luang, Bangkok 10100
Tel : 282-5861 Fax : 282-5861