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The Marine Fisheries Census
Year 1995 : > Summary Tables
Table 1
Number of Marine Fishery Establishments and Number of Marine Fishery Employees' Households by Coastal Zone; 1995
Table 2
Number of Marine Capture Fishery Establishments, Fishing Boats and fishermen During Peak Season by Coastal Zone; 1995
Table 3
Number of Marine Capture Fishery Establishments by Size of Management and by CoastalZone; 1995
Table 4
Number of Coastal Aquaculture Establishments, Area Under Culture and Number of Persons Engaged in Culture by Coastal Zone; 1995
Table 5
Number of Coastal Aquaculture Establishments and Area Under Culture by Species and by Coastal Zone; 1995

he National Statistical Office in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries conducted the Marine Fishery Census twice in 1967 and 1985. Thailand's marine fishery had been developed rapidly during the past decade and it is essential to obtain timely statistics for the formulation of development policies and plans ; therefore, the third marine fishery census was undertaken in 1995.

Statistical Tables . Coverage . Census Methodology . Census item . Duration of Data Collection . Presentation of the Result


The Census covered all marine capture fishery and coastal aquaculture households/establishments and marine fishery employees' households (excluding foreign fishery employees' households) in municipal and non-municipal areas of 24 coastal provinces.

Census Methodology

Complete enumeration by the interviewing method was applied. The enumerators were sent out to list all households/establishments in coverage area by using listing forms in order to identify the marine fishery establish- ment (including households) and marine fishery employees' households. Subsequently, the detailed information was recorded in enumeration forms for those fishery establishments and households.

Census Items

The data collected from the census are as follows :

    1. Marine capture fishery/coastal aquaculture management : type of management, type of fishery and number of persons engaged
    2. Marine capture fishery fishing boat details, type of main fishing gears, fishing areas, etc.
    3. Coastal aquaculture : aquaculture species, area under culture and tenure, method of culture, etc.
    4. Socio-economic characteristics of marine fishery households and marine fishery employee's households
    5. Demographic characteristics of fishermen and coastal aquaculture workers

Duration of Data Collection

The field work was carried out during April 16 - May 20, 1995.

Presentation of the Resul

The publications of the census result are as follows :

    1. Preliminary report presenting data from the listing forms by provinces, coastal zone and the whole country.
    2. Final report which presented data from the enumeration forms comprises of 6 series; 5 coastal zones and the whole country.